Expediting the transfer of reclaimed water between two cities to ensure an adequate balance of supply was the purpose of this water project.
The City of Apopka routinely had an excess of reclaimed water, while the City of Mount Dora often experienced shortages. The reclaimed water line effectively balances the supply between both cities and provides a more cost-effective solution versus the original plan for constructing a reservoir.
The 16-inch reclaimed water line is approximately 16,250 lf. A booster pump station with standby generator was added to overcome system pressure inadequacies at the point of connection and is connected to the City’s SCADA system for remote monitoring and operations.
Halff provided all design, permitting, bidding and construction administration services for the installation of the new reclaimed water main. Halff also assisted the City in obtaining a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan in the amount of $2.2 million to aid in funding the project.